Monday, August 16

Relationship maps expanded

A while ago I wrote a little about how to build an adventure using relationship maps.

Mapping out your adventure pt1
Mapping out your adventure pt2
Mapping out your adventure pt3
Mapping out your adventure pt4

In many cases, these maps describe a number of secrets for the characters to uncover. However, the map in itself doesn't say anything about HOW these relationships are discovered.

You can naturally wing it, and just give out clues whenever you feel it's appropriate, but if you prefer a little more planning I suggest the following:

For each relationship, write down a number of signs of the relationship. These could be obvious and visual (Mr Darris is a member of the Order of the Black Triangle, and has a ring on his right index finger with a black triangle on it), to more hidden clues (Underneath Mr Darris beds can be found a number of letters concerning threats against the Order). Maybe two persons who are secret lovers can't help but look at each other and smile from time to time, and if given some money or bought a drink, one of the locals can tell that he's seen someone enter the mansion from the servants entrance.

To make the mystery a bit easier, I'd suggest give out at least 3 clues or signs to each relationship (that isn't already known), so that if the players miss one of these clues, there are other ways to find out.

If you want to expand even more, one could add a quick note on which skills are usable to detect the relationship, and how hard it is.

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