Friday, September 26

Yesterday one of our regular players had to cancel the day before our planned gaming session. Instead of canceling the evening entirely, we decided to give MURPG a try (thar is, the new marvel game). I thought I would share some of my thoughts about it.

Char gen:

Abilities was rather straightforward. The one thing I noticed was that it was very easy to get a whole bunch of speedsters. The thing is that if you buy strength or agility to a level of 3 or 4, you can still be considered human. But, if you buy the attribute speed to a similar level, you can run over 100 MPH.

This could be interpreted as "any kind of ground movement". Since the two characters that had these levels of speed was agilitybased martial artists/acrobats, we explained it with leaping around, jumping of flagpoles etc. Still, this felt a bit awkward.

Other than that, buying of actions and modifiers was just as any other rpg.

The adventure we tried out was the intro mission that came with the game, with some small changes by me.

My main problem would be that it is demanding for the gm when controlling 4 or more NPC's. I solved this with a written protocol rather than a lot of piles of stones.

Second, I found that it helped if you had a very loose, style-oriented gaming style. In most cases I went with the "if it sounds cool, and the character could possibly do it, go for it". Only when it mattered or there was a lot happening at the same time I asked for expenditure of stones.

But, all in all we had a good time, and will certainly play it again.


Monday, September 22

A lot has happened since last.

I have made two new purchases, Nobilis and Exalted (after reading a lot of it on Also I have played a few Living-adventures.. both Greyhawk and Living Force.