So, the question is simple... if I where to reduce my number of games, and just play one system per genre (or something like that).. what would it be?
For sci-fi/ post-holocaust: Starblazers
For modern horror/ thriller: the nWoD-series
Straight up fantasy: This is a bit trickier... Gurps comes to mind, and so does a few swedish games. For this, I'd have to go with Gurps. A bit houseruled, but still
Super heroes: Oh.. please.. pretty-please... not just one... :-( Ok, then, if I'm forced to pick ONE super hero game it would propably be Mutants and Masterminds, but I would definately look with at games like Truth and Justice, Marvel Saga and Dawn of Legends with longing eyes (and have a passionate weekend with them at a faraway hotel once/ year).
So, what about other genres? If I would like to play something outside of this, I'd propably look at and consider Fate 3.0, Savage Worlds or PDQ. I'm currently considering running either 7th Sea or Castle Falkenstein, and even though they both are nice games, I think the setting lends itself well to one of these systems.
And no, this post is NOT a promise that I will get back to some regular writing here... it might, but I wont promise anything