Wednesday, April 26

The McWolfe Statement (ver 0.1)

I want my RPG to be smooth. It doesn't have to be rules light, but it should be smooth.

The rules of my RPG should reflect the setting.

There should be an official way to play that game.

The rules should follow that way

Characters should be built to fit into that way

There should be a framework in the game that follows that way.

It should be possible to break out of that framework

This framework should help me prepare modules in a rather short time if I wanted

It should be possible to create a simple character that has room to grow as the storied unfold.

The game should be based on situational stories.

Those situations should have a connection to the rules and how characters are designed.

Character design should be by guidelines or via random rolls. Not point based.

Tuesday, April 18

The garden of the mind

They say I enjoy watching other people suffer!

They are wrong!

They say that I enjoy watching my students agony on their faces when they are doing their exames.

And still, they are wrong.

It is true that I often try to be present during exams. Especially on exams on interesting and challenging subjects. What no one suspects, is the reason for this preference.

Many years ago, I became something more than a man. Something within me woke up. Lacking a better word, I could say I suddenly discovered my soul. I always believed in science, always believed that we our minds where minds of reason, but I was wrong. Now I know better.

Through a strange series of events, many of which I can't explain even today, my mind was opened wide to the world. Or rather.. the world was opened wide to my soul.

To me, everyone is an open book. I can see other peoples minds, and if I want to, let my mind invade theirs. I usually try to avoid the latter, since I am a firm believer in our free will. The first one, on the other hand.

Walking around a room full of students writing their exams. Their minds form vast gardens that fill the room. When they are writing essays, I can see their creativity flow around in the room, creating fireworks, deep jungles and rich imagery. When they are doing mathemathics, the room fills with structures, angles and equations that take the shape of brilliant gems and complex puzzles.

This is why I enjoy being there. Not to see my students torment, but their brilliance