Monday, March 15

Mapping out your adventure pt2

So, with the basic story written down, and the different participants and entities written down in cmaptools (or on our sheet of paper).

The next step is to draw lines between the enteties. Each line represent a relation or an attribute. Naug Grim, for instance, is a member of the dwarven clan. The wizards wants to cast the ritual etc.

We do this by either drawing a line between the enteties and write down what the relation is, or in cmaptools, click on the arrows above each entity and drag it to another entity.

If you look at the example above, moste enteties now have at least 1, but sometimes 2 relation-arrows going to or from it. We can already see a few things of interest (the crown is lost, the wizard is trying to make the ritual etc), but the map is still a bit lacking. The next step will be to fill out the diagram to make it more dynamic.

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