Sunday, February 28

The circle of heroes and villains

Batman and the Joker

Superman and Lex Luthor

Thor and Loki

Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty

The Hero

and the Villain

They are bound together by a strong bond. They belong together, close but so far away from each other.

Batman, a character that thrives in darkness and fear.. his enemy isn't someone with an even more dark and fearsome image, but someone dressed as a clown. Superman faces one powerful foe after another, but the most dangerous one is Lex Luthor.. just a human. However, when Superman is the paragon of humanity, Luther is the paragon of inhumanity.

It's not uncommon that the hero is the genesis of the villain, or the other way around. Batman was born as a result of a dark crime, and while fighting crime, Batman created the Joker. Spiderman was the genesis of Green Goblin for example. He also made J.Jameson hate him, which in turn drove Jameson to fund the creation of multiple villains.

Next time you make a character for a game, think about who his enemy is. What sides of him does he mirror, and what sides is he the opposite of?

And if you are the GM.. don't just come up with your own villain, base him of the player characters. Or even better, ask the players to create him for you.

After all, the hero and the villain, are one, but not the same

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