Wednesday, May 19

ICONS! - My first character

A couple of days ago, the Preview PDF of the game Icons! was released. Since I'm always interested in a new super hero rpg, I preordered the game, and downloaded the pdf as soon as it was released.

My impressions so far is that it's a fast, loose game that strive to avoid getting stuck in details. If you want to know exactly how fast your character can run or how many tonnes he can lift, this is perhaps not the game for you. However, if you want to build a character quick and have a story-focused game open for improvisation, this just might be it.

When I had the game downloaded, I tried to make a character. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I had a finished character 15-20 minutes after the download was finished. For your pleasure, here he is:

Fox Tail

The latest generation in an old line of gifted or blessed persons, Jacob Robins was given powers from the familiys patron totem, the Fox. At first he was given the task of protecting his tribe, but he later realised that his duty was also outside the confines of his own people.

The Fox has given Jacob incredible speed, the ability to read minds and produce illusions, and finally to sense his surroundings even in pitch black darkness. He is trained in the ancient martial arts of the tribe and is superhumanly strong, and can lift about a ton.

Origin: Birthright

Prowess  - 5; Coordination - 2; Strength - 6
Intellect - 5; Awareness - 6; Willpower - 5

Super Speed - 5 (abt the speed of a sports car)
Telepathy - 6
Illusion - 7
Supersenses (Radar) - 5

Specialty - Martial Arts

Stamina: 11
Determination: 2

Quality - Find peace
Challenge - Weakness (Telepathy Overload)

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