There are a number of character generators on the Internet that use
Microsoft Excell as their platform. Heroforge being one of the more
developed ones.
Some time ago I started to think about if it was possible to use
another platform efficiently to make character generators (and other
RPG related applications). One of my demands was portability and
cross-plattform compability. Another was flexibility and the ability to
work with data in a dynamic way.
As I have worked a fair amount with databases earlier, going down that
route seemed like a natural way to go. Some advantages are:
- Once you have a relational structure designed, you can implement
that in any database engine (MS SQL, MySql, Oracle). You can also make
it web based if you wanted to.
- There are powerful, open-source applications for building databases.
- With the right design, most things can be modelled in a relational database.
There are also some drawbacks that I can think of
- Some problems are a lot more straightforward to solve with Excell. Databases can be a bit awkward for some situations
- Designing a relational database does require a bit more design
skills than putting together an Excell sheet (and by this, I do not
bash those who put down hours and hours of work on apps like Heroforge
and others).
For my pilot, proof-of-concept project, I have embarked on the creation
of a Mutants and Masterminds chargen using Microsoft Access.
The areas implemented so far are
- Attributes, including calculations of cost and attribute modifiers.
- Skills, including calculations (rank + appropriate attribute modifier)
- Feats
There is a conceptual design of how powers should be bought and
represented within the database, and implementation is slowly taking
place. Updates will follow.
Microsoft Excell as their platform. Heroforge being one of the more
developed ones.
Some time ago I started to think about if it was possible to use
another platform efficiently to make character generators (and other
RPG related applications). One of my demands was portability and
cross-plattform compability. Another was flexibility and the ability to
work with data in a dynamic way.
As I have worked a fair amount with databases earlier, going down that
route seemed like a natural way to go. Some advantages are:
- Once you have a relational structure designed, you can implement
that in any database engine (MS SQL, MySql, Oracle). You can also make
it web based if you wanted to.
- There are powerful, open-source applications for building databases.
- With the right design, most things can be modelled in a relational database.
There are also some drawbacks that I can think of
- Some problems are a lot more straightforward to solve with Excell. Databases can be a bit awkward for some situations
- Designing a relational database does require a bit more design
skills than putting together an Excell sheet (and by this, I do not
bash those who put down hours and hours of work on apps like Heroforge
and others).
For my pilot, proof-of-concept project, I have embarked on the creation
of a Mutants and Masterminds chargen using Microsoft Access.
The areas implemented so far are
- Attributes, including calculations of cost and attribute modifiers.
- Skills, including calculations (rank + appropriate attribute modifier)
- Feats
There is a conceptual design of how powers should be bought and
represented within the database, and implementation is slowly taking
place. Updates will follow.
I admire your dedication. I myself have done a lot of custom work in HeroForge, speaking of which, they have announced they will be programming their 4e version and it will not be free... I don't know how they're going to work that one out.
I've started compiling (basic) to begin with the Rolemaster character creation rules into access 97 which is frustrating as you would need access to use it - what I plan to do is a mixed text / rpg based game using nothing but access , pictures, structured events and things using any technique I can muster.
So far I have mapped the initial 10 x d100 stat rolls and the profession chooser with race which all link to skill tables with everything detailed (that I can).
I don't know if this is similar to yours - its designed as a cross between and info based game and a complex presentation style of gaming.
Not sure if it will all work though I'm a geek so if I put in the work I don't foresee a problem.
We could exchange notes if you want - I was surfing the net all day to find someone else using MS Access for games creation utilities and such but your the only peep I found.
My initial idea is to just have it as a character generator, but I must admit that I have toyed with the idea of implementing simple rules as well. I am also more and more thinking about abandoning Access and instead go for either MS Sql Server or MySql, and then make it web-based. Only problem is that I don't want to publish it on an open website, since it's copyrighted material in it.
I will continue working on it as soon as my workload in my regular job lightens slightly.
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