Saturday, October 10

Group combat

In most RPG's combat is treated as a number of individuals fighting another bunch of individuals. At times, there are things like aiding each other, but that's about it.

However, in War: The RPG, the aim is to simulate that the group is a group that has trained as a unit for a while. Even though it's not always explicit, when two group members are firing at a target, they are doing it in a way to maximise their fire. Also, they will always protect each other in small ways, give signs, shout out to each other giving each other clues to what's happening etc.

In order to simulate this, in each combat, there is a stat called Group Strength. In the beginning of the combat, it's at it maximum and will give bonuses to all the participants of that group. As combat goes on, due to fatigue, damages and stress, that value will go down, and after a while it'll be so low that it's actually a negative modifier to the members of that group, since they are loosing their ability to fight as a unit.

Also, whenever a single individual is hit, it can choose to take all damage on himself, keeping the Group strength intact, or choose to move some of it onto the Group strength. In other words, he can either take one for the group, or choose to live and be stronger by himself, but at the expence of the group strength.

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