Tuesday, October 6

RPG-Design, a case study

To put it short: I'm trying to design a roleplaying game of my own. Turns out, it's fairly tricky (no big surprise there).

It started ... or rather, was triggered by when talking to a gaming friend that also had some ideas for a game. We talked a little about it, and while there was some cross-polination, in the end, our ideas diverged a little to much, so I decided to take my ideas as a core and build a game from that.

These core ideas are
  • It's a violent game, about wars and warfare
  • Combat is lethal
  • It's a simple, semi-narrative game
  • The game should capture the feel of intense battles.
  • The game should have a very low prep-time.
When it comes to other games, it's related to games like 3:16, Wilderness of mirrors.

So far, I've only got a couple of loose rule-ideas, but I'll publish them here as time goes by. If you read it, and have some thoughts, please let me know.

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