Wednesday, June 16

Even I can bleed - Design idea

For previous posts in "Even I can bleed", look here

One if the core ideas in the game Even I can bleed is that it's one player against a group of GM's. That player rotates in the group. Each session has a number of phases (initial conflict, buildup, turning point, confrontation, finale). At the start of each session, the player running the protagonist has a number of Hero Points. These are points he won when acting as a GM. Points are gained by putting the hero in interesting but dangerous/ complicated situation, connected to the Hero's background and/ or aspects. 

Each situation has an intensity, a description and something that moves the story forward. The intensity is depending on how dangerous the situation is. Each phase has a different max-level of intensities, for instance, the initial conflict can have a max level of 3, the buildup 1, turning point 3, confrontation 2 and the finale 4. 

When one GM has set the situation, both the player and the other GM's can add details to that situation. For each item added, another Hero Point is added to the pot. 

The rules for situation resolution are then used to decide what the situation leads to, and also how the points are distributed among the participating players. The "supporting GM's" don't get their points back, but can use them as hooks in later situations. More on that later

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