We all know what happened: They announced that 4th edition of DnD was in the works (and also that their servers crashed right after the counter reached 0:0:0).
Since that day, there have been rumours, speculations, previews, simple playtests etc. Of course, we saw allegations that 4th ed is a dumbed-down version to cater for the WoW-infected children of today. There's also the usual "DnD has turned into a miniatures game" and similar complaints.
This is exactly the things that was said when 3.0 and 3.5 was released, and I guess we will hear it again when a hypothetical 5th ed is released.
Yes, you can use it as a boardgame/ miniatures game. There are propably some elements from WoW in DnD4. But, at it's core, I still believe that DnD4 can cater to different tastes and can be played in a multitude of ways.
During the year, Wizards have given us lots of previews, statements and hints. They have made some hefty claims about how the game will play, and I for one am looking forward to see how these claims are met.
One point which is met with a lot of scepticism is the dnd insidier application. I guess no-one really knows how it will turn out in the end. It's definately something I will look into though.
To sum up: We know a lot about the game already, but tomorrow is when we (or at least I) can start get a more complete picture. Some questions will be answered directly from reading the rules, and others will require a few sessions of gaming to figure out. Either way, the wait is very soon over, and we can start to enjoy this new game.
.. as long as I can stop myself from getting Trail of Cthulhu, which I also saw on one of the shelves of my DFGS (distant friendly gaming store). If I fail my will save, my next post may as well be about that game.
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