While the books will containg many hours of joy, there are still things I hope to see in the future.
- Rules on mass combat. Sooner or later, the characters can grow and become leaders of armies, waging wars against other kingdoms. I see no problem why the basic rules wouldn't scale so that you have troops of different classes. Each troop can have at-will powers, encounter powers and "daily" powers (maybe changing the terms slightly). The all out attack with the big cannon is a daily power, while an ordinary volley of arrows is an at will power. This and the rules for swarms should make the addition of mass combat rules quite easy.
- Castles and Courts. I'd like to se a sourcebook on how to build castles and how to do courtly intrigue. It doesn't have to be extremely detailed, but just guidelines on how a castle looks, what defences it can have etc. This way I can play Sir Huffin, brave knight. I'd save damstrels in distress, excell in tournament games and be blessed by the king himself
- More specialised magic users. Instead of just a wizard, I'd like to see intersting takes on Necromancers, Illusionists or perhaps even some kind of artificers.
- Martial arts. Let's hope for classes and powers that simulate ninjas, shaolin monks and karate experts. Come on, don't stop with just the monk, give us over-the-top action.
- The Deep Dark - Imagine underwater andventures with hidden ruins and ancient secrets. Sects of deep ones worship the horror hidden deep beneath the ocean waves, in temples with astec and incan influences.
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