Any kind of warlord. The more I read about the warlord, the more fun it seems. I want to shout orders to the fighters, telling them to push on and to shake that measily flesh wound of. See my post about Warlords/ sergeants for more info.
- Half-elven Ranger. I know, this is a bit cliché, but so far the different editions of DnD have failed me in making it possible to play a decent flashy, rapier wielding swashbuckler type. I will be very interested in seeing if DnD4 can accomplish this.
- A human Paladin. You know, I want to ride in full plate armour, wielding my lance, bracing my shield and fighting for all that's good and decent. Lancelot and Ivanhoe, here I come!
- Dragonborn or Tiefling Warlock. I'm intrigued by the idea of a dark character that is basically good, but that flirts with evil powers to get stronger. Does the end really justify the means?
- The angry axe. That is, a large axe with an angry dwarven fighter attached to the non-sharp end. I know it's trite and way to old, but there's something primal and simple with a dwarven warrior.
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