First, let me point you to a thread on rpg.net where they describe what the warlord really is: He is the drill sargeant, the tough coach, the squad leader shouting orders to his troops.
Lots of his powers let another character use a healing surge, or make an extra shift (sometimes more than 1 square) or just give them a bonus to hit.
As I said, read the thread for great examples of how to play the warlord.
Now, back to my eye-opener. Yesterday we played in our regular game of Living Greyhawk. We faced a rather nasty monster (a werecat on steroids, basically), and our fearless Fighter charged before anyone else of us had a chance to do anything. Turns out the monster was a bit to much even for our lvl 12 fighter. It made huge amounts of damage, and had a reach of 15'. So, our fighter got heavily wounded, and tried to get away. A five foot step wasn't enough, because of the range, and if he tried to make a move, he would provoke an attack of opportunity. So, basically, he was stuck with the monster and it looked pretty dire for a little while.
Now, this is where the squad lea - sorry, warlord would come in handy. Imagine if the fighter charged and tried to attack. The warlord could then shout (on his turn)
This would give the fighter a free shift out of range for the werecat. The group then can attack as a team. The warlord/ commander saves the life of the fighter once again
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