Last year, a series of indie-games was released. They are aimed at investigative play, and the core idea is that IF you are at a scene and IF you have got the relevant skill, you always find the core clue of that scene. No roll or spending of points needed. With the spending of points (the GUMSHOE-system is point based) you will get additional information that will perhaps help you later on, but the core clue that let's you go through the mystery doesn't require a roll, just the relevant skill.
The reasoning for this is that it makes for a very boring and frustrating game if you fail a roll and miss the important lead that moves the plot forward. The real challenge is not finding the clue in these games, but putting them all together (which is still up to the players).
After reading about the system, I thought a little about if this could be implemented in a D20-game of any kind. If you have ranks in an ability, and a total skill bonus of at least +5, you will get 15 when taking 10. So, let's assume that the DC for finding the core clue in a scene always is 15. If you then let the players take 10 when searching for a clue, they will always succeed as long as they have got ranks in the skill. In practice, it means that they have spent at least 3-5 points on the skill, which would represent a bit more than just casual training in the skill.
To find additional clues as mentioned above, you have to make a roll against a DC that the DM decides. This is, however, in addition to the core clue, but it can only be made once (to avoid someone rolling until the cows come home just to get that extra little tidbit of information).
Example - The death of Darl
Alain and Reth sits at the local tavern, drinking their ale. They have a reputation in this town as problemsolvers and investigators. Alain is ordained by his church as a cleric and Reth used to be a thief and a scoundrel before meeting up with Alain and deciding to use his skills for solving problems instead of causing them.
Suddenly a small kid enters the tavern and runs up to them
"Darl is murdered"
Reth muttered under his breath. Darl was the local arms dealer, and he had helped them at several occasions.
A few minutes later they both stood in Darls warehouse, looking down at the mutilated body.
Alain has Knowledge: Religion +8, which is more than enough for a take10 according to the suggestions above. He is also an accomplished Healer, and knows how the body works.
-This is strange, Alain said. His body is mutilated, and while there is blood around, there is a lot less of it than it should be. I think most of these wounds where made after his death. Wierd thing, they have stabbed him multiple times in the left side of the waist, but there is no blood around the wounds.
If he had made a Heal Check of 25, he would also have noticed that amongst all the knife-wounds, there is a strange cross-shaped wound.
Reth looked down at Darl. Who would have wanted to kill him this way. They hadn't even bothered to hide his body.
Reth is a Rogue good at finding hidden things (among other skills). He is also knowledgeable about current rumours and affairs in the town.
-Look, what'ts that in his pocket, Reth said.
Alain picked up a piece of paper and looked at it.
-A note with a lot of numbers on them, he said.
-Not just any note, Reth replied. It's a note for a gambling debt. Normally it's kept by the one who is owed money. It's returned when the debt is repaid. -Do you know who he owed money? -No, but I can easily find out. Come, let's go! --- And so the mystery continues. They may take different routes to reach their goal, and it will definately be dangerous at times, but there must always be a next action to do, another clue to follow.
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