For today, I have made a couple of attempts on Skill Challenges. Overall I like the idea, and I'm looking forward to see the implementation in more detail.
Skill Challenge 1: The Root of All Evil
Not far from a village there is a small lake. Normally the local shepherds let the sheep and goats drink from it, but lately animals and plantlife around the lake has begun to die.
Setup: The poisoned waters are a side-effect when the deadly Tar Root is dug up and prepared. A foreign spy/assassin intends to use it to kill the commander of a fort. A complete success let's the character realise that something bad is going on.
Complexity: Requires 5 successes before 2 failures
Primary Skills: Nature, Perception, History
Nature (moderate DCs): You realise that this area holds many rare plants. Many of them poisonous.
Perception (hard DCs): You notice that someone has been climbing down into the water at a particulary rough area. Both the plants and the soil is disturbed here.
History (Hard DCs): You know that there are rumours of an ancient cult that used to use this place for sacrificial murders. This skill is only usable once.
Success: The PCs realise that someone has picked and prepared Tar Root. The tracks then lead towards the fort.
Failure: The characters don't get enough clues to realise what's going on. The local commander is murdered, and the stability of the area is threatened.
Skill challenge 2: Chase over Rooftops
You spend the night at a tavern. At around midnight, you are awakened by the sound of someone climbing out of the window. A thief! Quickly you leap after him!
Setup: A thief has stolen some valuables from the PC. He now tries to escape over the rooftops in the city.
Complexity: Requires 8 successes before 4 failures
Primary Skills: Athletics, Endurance
Acrobatics: You manage to take advantage of a tricky short cut. In order to use this skill you must have made a successfull perception check. You can only use this skill once.
Athletics: You are using your speed and agility to try to catch up with the thief
Endurance: You may not be faste than the thief, but as long as you don't tire, you'll catch up with him
Perception: You spot a short cut. After the first success of this skill you cannot use it anymore. The first success of this skill allows one Acrobatics Check.
Success: You catch up with the thief and retrieve you valuables.
Failure: The thief manages to get away with some of your valuables
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1 comment:
thanks a lot for this nice example. After reading only the players handbook I didnt really get the idea of skill challenges.
But it seams that skill challenges can be quite exciting.
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