Saturday, May 10

DnD4 Countdown 27 - Small Hall of Fame

For todays entry, I want to share with you two characters that I have used over the last couple of years. They are all Living Greyhawk characters, and since I like them, chances are that they will be reincarnated in 4th ed.

Rahnasto the Lost

Rahnasto was born to a human mother and to an elven father. He never really remembered his father. His only image was of a man of light and beauty.

When his mother died, he made a pilgrimage on his own, tapping his own ancestral memory, dreaming of elven martial arts and wisdom. Both in his dream and when awake, he practiced. His movements where fluid and his accuracy uncanny. After several years of solitude and meditation on who he was he returned to civilisation.

Today, he feels very insecure around other people. Neither men nor elves are his people. He is, however, very loyal to his friends, and his strange, etherial fighting style has helped them more than once.

Rahnasto is a half-elven ranger, skilled in two weapon fighting. He uses a rapier and a short sword as his weapons and with his keen rapier, he can strike with a deadly accuracy.

Lanian the Wise

Lanian is one of the few people that actually calls himself the Wise. Others would sooner use other words. Not to his face though.

Lanian is a wizard and a scholar. Problem isn't that he isn't a knowledgable scholar, but rather the opposite. He has spent years and years reading about different gods, cults, demons and traditions. In his mind, there are signs everywhere. For each day, there is at least one strange tribe or cult that has a holy or haunted day.

And to his friends woes, he is more than happy to point out that they shouldn't wear red today, because it's the day of Ghulhuthu, or that they shouldn't speak at all since he saw five geese flying north in the morning.

He always carries a number of strange books with him, and around his neck he has at least seven different holy symbols.

If it wasn't for the fact that he wields incredible command over fire and lightning, he probably would be kicked out of his group a long time ago. But, now he is powerful, and his foes are struck down by his devastating bolts of lightning and rolling balls of fire.

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