This is an attempt to recreate one of the characters mentioned in the Hall of Fame-post, using the compiled preview of the PHB.
I tried to find powers that dealt with moving around and attacking in close combat, and from what's out there already I think I succeeded quite nice. Only problem is that I couldn't find many Half-elven powers or any melee based daily power for the ranger.
The experience in itself was straightforward, and if the previews are any indication on how chargen will be in 4th ed I'd say it's a lot easier and smoother. I'm guessing that a lot depends on the amount of feats/ powers supplied with the books. To few, and I believe that you'll feel a bit to limited in your choices, resulting in many characters looking the same.
1st lvl half-elven Ranger
Str: 12/ +1
Dex: 18/ +4
Con: 12/ +1
Int: 12/ +1
Wis: 14/ +2
Cha: 12/ +1
AC: 16
For: 12
Will: 12
Ref: 15
Healing Surges: 7
Hit Points: 13
Group Insight
At Will Powers
Nimble Strike
Hunters Quarry
Encounter Powers
Fox's cunning
Daily Power
Split the tree
Nature + 6, Acrobatics +9 , Athletics +6, Heal +7, Perception +7
Rapier +4, Dam 1d8+1
Armor: Light leather armor
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