I think most of us that are interested in 4th ed have a pretty good idea about what it's all about. We don't know all the rules, but we have a fair grasp of what's going on. This goes equally for the basic setting and the Forgotten Realms.
Earlier today I read a forum post on rpg.net that explained parts of the "generosity" for me. Funny thing, the post didn't try to explain it. Instead it expressed a suspicion that perhaps DnD has changed to much, and people won't recognize it as DnD anymore. The poster drew parallells with another game that was released, a game that had changed to much for it's fans.
With that in mind, I think I know one of the reasons behind all the previews and excerpts. Wizards are making us getting used to all these new ideas. Yes, it's true that they may turn some people away, but for the most part I think they are slowly making us getting used to all the new ideas in the game, so when we get it or play it, we won't be surprised or getting caught of guard by the game. It will already feel familiar.
In the long run, I think it's a good business strategy. There may be some lost sales, but as a whole, I think they will profit from it.
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