My main time slot for listening is when I'm out walking or jogging. Since I've got a 40 minute walk to my job, and I try to go for 30-45 minute jogs, that time is perfect for most gaming podcasts that I listen to.
This has among other things led to the funny effect that I associate certain parts of my hometown with gaming and games more than anything else, since whenever I'm there, I listen to podcasts about gaming.
I won't list all my podcasts, but here are a few of my favorites
2D6 feet in a random direction
This is a very well made podcast, where one of the guys owns a gaming store. This gives not only a gamers perspective, but also some interesting insight in the commercial side of gaming
Fear the boot
A definate favorite. I may not agree with them at all times, and sometimes I think that the show is a litle unfocused. However, these guys are enthusiastic, love what they are doing and they are very personal. It doesn't take long until it feels like you know them. Also, this podcast is regular, with new episodes published every wednesday.
the Wizards podcast
Not very regular, at tops 1 episode/ month. These episodes are very good however, and has made me change opinion on at least the people working there. It's interesting to hear them talk about why they do certain things, why they decided to design a game they way they did etc.
Dragons Landing inn
Not as personal as 2D6 feet or Fear the boot, but they have been podcasting for a long time, and they have a well produced podcast
There are other podcasts that I listen to at times, but they havnt caught my attention like the ones above.
The Games the thing
Sons of kryos
Have games will travel
Order 66
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